Protecting cultural and natural heritage of universal value


From the medieval Old Town of Berne to the futuristic city of Brasilia, from the tiny convent of Müstair to the imposing cathedral of Chartres, from the fertile terraced vineyards of Lavaux to the vast desert of Ténéré – all have one thing in common: they are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. UNESCO designates outstanding cultural achievements and unique natural phenomena that are of exceptional universal value and entrusts humanity with their protection and preservation. There are currently 890 such sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

UNESCO and its successful World Heritage Convention

UNESCO is the Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation of the United Nations (UN). The UNESCO campaign in 1960 to save the Temples of Abu Simbel from the rising waters of the Nile during the construction of the Aswan Dam was the first step towards the “Convention concerning the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage”. At the heart of this Convention is the revolutionary idea that exceptional cultural achievements and unique natural phenomena are not the sole property of the state on whose territory they are found, but belong to all of humanity. As such, the entire citizenry of the world must assume responsibility for their protection and preservation. This notion of universal heritage and its preservation was enshrined in the World Heritage Convention, which UNESCO would adopt in 1972. So far, 185 states have signed the Convention.

World Cultural and Natural Heritage List

Ayers Rock, Grand Canyon, Palace of Versailles, Machu Picchu… these are only a few of the 936 sites that appear on the awe-inspiring UNESCO World Heritage List. The 725 cultural sites include buildings of particular architectural merit, entire towns, and even industrial facilities. The 183 natural sites include, among others, important ecosystems, vestiges of evolutionary history, and nature reserves. 28 of the 936 sites are mixed, i.e. they come under both categories. All signatory states to the Convention may put forward cultural and natural treasures from their country for inclusion on the World Heritage List.

It is a privilege to carry the UNESCO World Heritage symbol and confers great prestige on the sites that hold it. However, it is not granted eternally – UNESCO diligently checks that the necessary steps are continually being taken to preserve the outstanding universal value (integrity and authenticity) of the sites on its World Heritage List. World Heritage Sites which are at threat from decay, major construction projects or wars are placed on the “List of World Heritage in Danger”, and sometimes even withdrawn from the World Heritage List. The last time this happened was in 2009: the site in question was the protected cultural landscape of the Elbe Valley in Dresden. It was struck off the list because of the construction of a new motorway bridge nearby.

The Baroque cathedral of St. Gallen and its surrounding area have been declared a UNESCO world heritage site.

World Heritage Sites in Switzerland

Switzerland has been a signatory state to the UNESCO World Heritage Convention since it came into force in 1975. Eight years later, the first three Swiss sites were accepted on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It would be almost 20 years before it applied again. Today, the tiny country of Switzerland has 11 UNESCO World Heritage Sites both natural and cultural, and has one application pending.

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